Beach case Defendant calls cops, grandparents & grandkids busted
A recent glorious day in Maine was the occasion for some local grandparents to commit the grievous offense of trying to take their grandkids to the beach so they could enjoy some sun, surf and fun, all the while enjoying Maine’s picturesque and world-famous natural resources. It is rumored that a couple of these rowdies may have brought along snacks for the kids. Even worse, a pail and shovel for making sandcastles may also have infiltrated the scene.
On a serious note, this incident took place at about 11:30 a.m. on a Sunday on Moody Beach, on the southern Maine coast. As folks were enjoying a beautiful Maine beach day, an Ocean Avenue homeowner diverted police resources to Moody Beach in order to kick the family off the beach. As the photos indicate, the beach was sparsely occupied and there was plenty of room for the beach to be enjoyed by all --- including young children. (Imagine the message those young kids got when the cops showed up to kick them off a Maine beach.)
The four waterfront-owning Maine Supreme Court judges who legislated from the bench in 1989, overstepping judicial bounds, created this situation by inventing new law. The three dissenting judges in 1989 who did not own waterfront property were correct in asserting that colonial public uses evolved over time and today include recreational uses of intertidal lands. This website has been created to publicize the lawsuit that has been filed in Cumberland Superior Court to return title to intertidal lands and beaches to the people who own them. That would be YOU, the people of Maine.
The guy who called the cops on that fine day is a Defendant in the case. We appreciate any support you can offer, whether that’s financial, or simply telling all your friends and family about what is going on. Justice will prevail.
Last note, let’s not blame the police. They’re just doing their job. And they were probably mortified that one of the Defendants in this case called them and forced them to execute such a distasteful mission.
After reading this blog post, some of you may want to know how to support the lawsuit intended to return Maine beaches and intertidal lands to those who rightfully own them: the people of Maine, held in trust for them by the State of Maine. (Just head to the FUNDING page on this site.)